- +For Jeuno: The First Walk
- All Zones
- AAC Cruiserweight
- AAC Light-Heavyweight
- Futures Rewritten
- Ultimates (Legacy)
- Trials II (Extreme)
- Trials I (Extreme)
- Trials (Unreal)
- Dungeons (Endgame)
- Alliance Raids (Chaotic)
- Jeuno: The First Walk
- Dungeons (Criterion Legacy)
- Delubrum Reginae
- +Endwalker
- +Shadowbringers
- +Stormblood
- The Weapon's Refrain
- The Unending Coil of Bahamut
- Dungeons (Endgame)
- Trials (Extreme)
- Omega: Alphascape (Savage)
- Omega: Sigmascape (Savage)
- Omega: Deltascape (Savage)
- The Orbonne Monastery
- The Ridorana Lighthouse
- The Royal City of Rabanastre
- Omega: Alphascape (Story)
- Omega: Sigmascape (Story)
- Omega: Deltascape (Story)
- +Heavensward
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Officers in the guild can click empty squares to designate a character as being on the bench for the entire night. Benched players show up with a gold background.
| Att.%
| ||
Ace Lunari | 50% | 1 | |
Alastor Stormrage | 50% | 1 | |
Athena Deimos | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Beatrix Venterra | 50% | 1 | |
Caeled Silverhand | 50% | 1 | |
Caelius Razzion | 50% | 1 | |
Carota Quanta | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Chibi Terasu | 50% | 1 | |
D'rak Omynth | 50% | 1 | |
Father Flamatar | 50% | 1 | |
Fiora Valcourt | 50% | 1 | |
Garashi Yakumo | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Humi Melalosa | 50% | 1 | |
Ixtli Metzi | 50% | 1 | |
Jerish Grelad | 50% | 1 | |
Journey Irisfel | 50% | 1 | |
Kazune Kawahara | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Kina Khilta | 50% | 1 | |
Kya Nyaada | 50% | 1 | |
Libo Edelfelt | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Lorelei Lunaria | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Maeldunne Pierre | 50% | 1 | |
Megumin Xplosion | 50% | 1 | |
Miyuki Gokou | 50% | 1 | |
O'shazzi Molkot | 50% | 1 | |
Ppat Silver | 50% | 1 | |
Rea Abriel | 50% | 1 | |
Reh'lar Vahra | 100% | 1 | 1 |
Sarbanes Oxley | 50% | 1 | |
Sebastian Valcourt | 50% | 1 | |
Sihaya Morningstar | 50% | 1 | |
Tala Hyuga | 50% | 1 | |
Tem Ataru | 50% | 1 | |
Theodora Miramaris | 50% | 1 | |
Tiras Nabana | 50% | 1 | |
Tselia Redsteele | 50% | 1 | |
Valentineau Noirterel | 50% | 1 | |
Visitant Prime | 50% | 1 | |
Vryali Melalosa | 50% | 1 | |
Zass Kieren | 100% | 1 | 1 |